Open Session for The Graduation April 2021 Period (Meteorology)
Praise be to God Almighty, on Friday, March 12, 2021, the final session of the April 2021 graduation period has been held. Because the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended, on this occasion the Meteorology Study Program held an Open Session in the form of a “Meteorology Scientific Webinar” in Order of the April 2021 Graduation Open Session.
The main series of the webinar is divided into 2 sessions, namely the presentation of the final project results from 3 trial participants for 10 minutes/participant and the presentation of the posters of the final project results which are divided into four rooms for 45 minutes. The following is an open session material packaged in the simplest possible language in the form of a poster presentation video (link below).
The graduates who held the Open Session were:
[Room 1 Webinar]
- Nindy Heryati (12816001)
Final Project poster video link:
- Ari Satria Hadinata (12816030)
Final Project poster video link:
- Muhammad Zaky (12815018)
Final Project poster video link:
[Room 2 Webinar]
- Siti Nurfaizah Khoirunnisa A (12815005)
Final Project poster video link:
- Febriyanti Bahar (12816043)
Final Project poster video link:
- Fauziah Fangia Indra (12816004)
Final Project poster video link:
[Room 3 Webinar]
- Felicia Indraswari (12816038)
Final Project poster video link:
- Anindya Restika (12816012)
Final Project poster video link:
- Hanifa Nur Azizah (12814020)
[Room 4 Webinar]
- Farid Muhammad Syabani (12816022)
Final Project poster video link:
- Fahrudin Muhlis (12816033)
Final Project poster video link:
- Oktavia Dea Monika (12816016)
Final Project poster video link:
The following is the documentation of the “Meteorology Scientific Webinar” event in the context of the April 2021 Graduation Open Session for the Meteorology Study Program.

Congratulations to the April 2021 Graduates of Meteorology Study Program. Hopefully the knowledge gained during the lecture period can provide benefits to the wider community.